A learning community in pursuit of excellence - GTNA
GTNA Remote Learning
The GTNA Remote Learning is designed to accomplish these goals:
- Ensure all students have the opportunity to continue learning that focuses on critical standards for success in the current and coming school year.
- Minimize instructional loss while maximizing resources available to students and teachers.
- Provide students and families with routines, structures and support to meet academic and social-emotional needs.
- Ensure health and safety of everyone in the school community.

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The Academy
Our mission is to create an enriched environment for learners that fosters holistic development encouraging high academic excellence, success, and social standards with a vision of a learning community in pursuit of excellence.
Class of 2018. One of the reasons why i like GTNA is that the teachers are really able to focus on each student individually, they are able to attend to the needs of every student, allowing the class to really learn and grow together. GTNA gave me the chance to step up and take on responsibilities I didn’t expect I would be able to handle. It exposed me to opportunities and experiences that were definitely life changing, allowing me to have a fresh perspective about life which helped me in identifying what i truly want to do and what I’m passionate about.

Class of 2020. GTNA helped me achieve my goals and dreams by shining light on the path that was meant for me. They helped me realize my strengths and utilize it to its fullest potential, acknowledge, accept and overcome my weaknesses all the while encouraging me to move forward towards my dreams one step at a time. The teachers are nurturing and passionate about their profession, they are beyond kind but are not afraid to push you to your limits and challenge us to go bigger and do better. My classmates are like my brothers and sisters, we are family and GT is a family that will never leave my heart.

As years passed by, I saw my sons developing their IQ and EQ at the same time. GTNA hones students holistically and what’s more is that the role of parents is also emphasized. GTNA also has parent-child activities that I love. I also like the fact that there are a lot of extra curricular activities in the school which I believe makes my kids more competent in the future. GTNA helped my eldest son grow and learn more in his academics. He was mostly shy in his early years and has poor study habits because he came from a montessori school which does not promote learning at home (ie., no assignments). At GTNA, he became more involved in academics, particularly in math. His study habits were also honed and even his filipino subject improved, which I totally loved. Thank you GTNA for helping my kids grow holistically.

Class of 2018. The people you meet there really cherishes everyone that they meet. GTNA lets its students feel like its their home away from home. And it also makes us feel like we are just not a number but a student that is eager to learn and a student that they are willing to teach. They helped me achieve my goal by making me feel like I can do anything. They taught me things that I wouldn’t learn just anywhere.

Class of 2019. GTNA has not only been a growing place, but also a home for the past 6 years I’ve been a student. It has consistently changed and developed since the first year I’ve attended, but one thing that never changed was their endless support towards the students, no matter what goal they want to achieve. I must admit that there were several short comings, but their dedication to always strive to be better was admirable. They would attentively listen to their students’ needs and deliver what they can. The teachers and staff are truly dependable. The school does not only value academic intelligence, but also the skills and talents of students. In my experience, they’ve helped me discover multiple interests such as journalism and civil service. They’ve helped me develop these skills which I am sure will help me in my future goals.

Class of 2019. This is the place where I studied the longest, for I have been transferring to 4 different educational institutions since I was a toddler. This is the school where I made the sweetest and fondest memories as a student. GTNA definitely recognized and placed great importance in academics, but never forgot to make sure students get to have fun and enjoy outside the classroom once in a while. From state of the art facilities to expertly trained teachers. They encouraged and supported, at the same time tried their very best to impart the knowledge that they have acquired to nurture and guide their students into decent and successful people.

Class of 2017. GTNA led me to where I am today, this institution was able to help me enhance my skills, talents and hobbies. I became more confident to the things I love and enjoy since GTNA is a student-centered institution. GTNA indeed lived up to their mission — offering students the opportunity to grow to their fullest potential.

Class of 2019. I love this school for a number of reasons but the things I love about GTNA is that it offers a lot of activities that can really hone your skills especially during events/competitions. People are very supportive, it makes learning fun and because of this school I made friends that later turned into family. GTNA helped me become a more responsible, persistent, and patient person. It taught me how to work better with other people and develop my self-esteem. Because of this school I learnt how to express myself better and challenge myself intellectually.

Class of 2019. GTNA has been part of my life for almost 5 years. What i like about the school is that when you’re a new student they treat you as a family theirs no hesitations when they talk to you and the teachers teaches you wholeheartedly. The school helped me achieve my goals by molding me to be independent so that in future we are ready to face those challenges in life.

Class of 2019. The things that I love about GTNA are the teachers because they are all approachable and helpful, and because the facilities in the school are good and complete. GTNA is also a safe school.

Class of 2019. One of the things I love in GTNA is the relationship between the teachers and the students which is a great fundamental aspect for quality teaching and student learning. As a pioneering student, one thing that I gained from this school is learning how to assess myself into becoming a better individual. Molding me to be competitive and better in communication which greatly helped me to be confident in everything that I do.

Class of 2019. As an alumni student, I’m very fond of the school because the environment such as the teachers, staffs, admins and students will treat everyone in GT as a family. The thing I love about GTNA is the people within the institution especially the teachers because they will understand your strengths and weaknesses in order to find the proper way for you to learn and to understand things precisely. The school molded me to grow and to improve not just to be a better student but to be a better individual. And now, I am seeing myself half way through in achieving my goals as a better person all thanks to GTNA who had been there from the start.

Class of 2017. The bond between the entire student body and some teachers is definitely what I loved the most about GTNA. The school helped me achieve my goals through providing me with adequate education. One of the most prominent lesson I have learned in this school is the act of patience and understanding since my batch and I were challenged quite a lot.